Photo Set-Up GUITAR
GUITAR Full View

Place item away from backdrop at slight angle.
Check to see if you have required blank space around item.
Photo Set-Up GUITAR
GUITAR Body Close-Up

I will “cut” the photos two sizes:
For Guitars and Other Stringed Instruments, the photo will be cut 9:16 ratio.
1:1 ratio for all items except Guitars and Other Stringed Instruments pages
Photo Set-Up GUITAR
GUITAR Head Close-Up

Multiple Shots
Do take several shots of the same image with slight angle and distance change.
Choose the highest quality to send to me, keep in mind:
Blank space
Clean background
Photo Set-Up GUITAR
GUITAR Case if Available

Photo Set-Up GUITAR
GUITAR Back of Head Close-Up

Upload Photos to Dropbox
Please do not “cut” the photo, upload the original without any improvements.
Along with the set of photos, upload a document with the requested online product information form.
Find the folder New Folder and Documents
Drag and drop new photos and associated document with needed information
Photo Set-Up ALL OTHER
I will “cut” the photos two sizes:
1:1 ratio for all items except Guitars and Other Stringed Instruments pages
For Guitars and Other Stringed Instruments, the photo will be cut 9:16 ratio.

Photo Set-Up ALL OTHER

Photo Set-Up ALL OTHER
Upload Photos to Dropbox
Please do not “cut” the photo, upload the original without any improvements.
Along with the set of photos, upload a document with the requested product information.
Find the folder New Folder and Documents
Drag and drop new photos and associated document with needed information